

Ebiz is an amazing business, with unlimited income, time for family, travel opportunities and also we earn a chance to help others achieve success. But frankly speaking , Ebiz is not for everyone. It requires a typical personality to be successful in Ebiz, which I would  discuss in my upcoming articles. Still I would like to mention that people who look for a nine to five job , even after knowing that it would never give them that financial freedom, Ebiz is not for these Macho-Men.
The Question is – Then what kind of personality is required for becoming successful in Ebiz? Though I am into Ebiz since almost 8 years, its very difficult to mention the exact requirement ,but today I would like to discuss, what personality type you definitely should NOT be.  Over the last 4-5 years, I have noticed that few associates rise all of a sudden, build a good group , become Golds,Diamonds, but after a certain point of time , their work starts declining. Why is it so? According to my analysis and experience the primary reason for this fall is a three letter word- EGO.
EGO is a type of disease ,the symptom of which is that the patient will never come to know that he is suffering from this disease. In network marketing ,Ego is like a termite which will slowly and slowly eat up your hard earned group without even making its presence felt. You might remember when people join as new associates , they are like pure souls, but after they achieve a little bit of success- gold/diamond, once or twice in highest earners, they tend to become oversmart, start dictating their downlines rather than training them, start criticising their uplines. In result, the chords of relationship in their group geneology  weakens which ultimately spoils their group. “ I know everything, I know more than my uplines, my downline is worthless, I am fed up of my downlines”. This line of thought is not at all appreciated. There can be a few clash of thoughts  between associates, but that does not mean ,its the end. In our family, we enjoy , then fight and then we enjoy again. Maturity, afterall is in being UNITED , not DIVIDED.  There can be many school of opinions , but smart and successful ones will adjust with the changing dynamics of this business , others will have to see the exit door for sure.
I have personally seen in so many groups and not to lie, in my group also, associates fighting for petty things , arguing on silly matters , behaving like cry- babies . They just forget to understand that this sort of idiotic attitude will fetch them only one thing- REGRET and nothing else. Therefore,in my opinion, submerging one’s ego is one of the best option available to a network marketer. Having a positive Ego is definitely not a bad idea, but as we all know , excess of everything is bad, we should be well within our limits. Ego is just like salt, its important to use the correct amount else it will only help in yielding waste.
I would take this opportunity to mention that our Bangalore group is well groomed and trained with the required skills and proper code of ethics. Our Senior leaders have set a very good example for the entire group, and now it is the responsibility of each and every Success Warrior to carry on with the good work. Love your downlines, respect  your uplines , because what goes around , comes around.